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With Psychic Medium Heather Rease Mattison

& her husband Robert Mattison

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Come join Bob and Heather Rease Mattison

on every Thursday Night at 8:00 pm EST


Heather Rease Mattison is a psychic medium, author, clairaudient, channeler, empath, medical intuitive, Reiki practitioner, paranormal investigator and teacher. She and her husband Robert own a historic 1865 mansion called Graestone Manor. They have recently converted it into a Bed and Breakfast. She has her office there and this is where she conducts psychic readings, classes and Victorian seances. They have experienced everything from black shadow figures, disembodied voices, footsteps,to being scratched and touched. They have also opened Graestone up for paranormal investigations. Her first two books centered on spiritual and psychic topics while the third is all about the ghostly history and family legends of the previous families as well as their own experiences in the home. With seven confirmed deaths in the house and ties to the Underground Railroad, rum running, the Erie Canal, horse racing and ancient Indian burial grounds, on the entire property

Check out some past shows guest list!




AUTHOR MICHAEL L. HAWLEY - Episode 1 - July 30th 2020


For the launch of our radio show Graestone Manor Radio on Paranormal King radio, Author Michael Hawley will discusses his books, Jack the Ripper and much more!


LIZ STOCK - Episode 2 - August 6th 2020


We will be talking with Numerologist Liz Stock! She will shed light on the meanings of numbers, how to determine your personal number and life path, house numbers and what they mean for the family that dwells there as well as lucky numbers, romantic numbers and much much more!


CHRIS ZEIS & DARYLE MACRO - Episode 3 - August 13th 2020


This week we will have team members from Elemental Paranormal that live in the Adirondacks to discuss hauntings in the region and the documentary “there’s no such thing as ghosts”


AARON DANIEL ANNAS - Episode 4 - August 20th 2020


Filmmaker Aaron Daniel Annas. He will discuss his documentary “There’s No Such Thing As Ghosts”

now available on Amazon!


TIM SHAW - Episode 5 - August 27th 2020


Tim will share his unique insights on the paranormal, metaphysical and much more!


JOE PIERI - Episode 6 - September 3rd 2020


Joe Pieri, Paranormal investigator, inventor of Para equipment, he also has a live feed show called Paranormal Crossroads and owner of the Paranormal Oddities store


HEATHER REASE MATTISON - Episode 7 - September 10th 2020


We will be discussing our book “The Haunting of Graestone Manor” it’s the book written about our Bed and Breakfast and the paranormal activity the different families who have occupied the house have experienced here since 1865.


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KAYCEE COLBURN - Episode 8 - September 17th 2020


 The amazing and talented Kaycee Colburn! She is a paranormal Investigator, psychic, medium and a witch. She is an official tour guide for thehaunted Hinsdale House. Founder of gardens for ghosts, and the Creator / show host of Cauldron Talk with Kaycee Colburn,a podcast that covers many paranormal topics. To learn more about Kaycee go to

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HEATHER REASE MATTISON - Episode 9 - October 1st 2020


On this weeks show we will be discussing my second book and will cover topics from hauntings, ESP, aliens, reincarnation, investigations and more! BUY THE BOOK TODAY!


SCOTT & DEIDRE EMMINGER - Episode 10 - October 8th 2020


Paranormal Investigators, Scott & Deidre Emminger, founders of Souls Gate Paranormal! He is a researcher, lecturer, teacher and tour guide for several international and local haunted locations and she is an ordained minister, psychic medium, intuitive, Reiki master and has lead several investigations as well


DANIEL KLAES - Episode 11 - October 15th 2020


We are excited to have Daniel Klaes owner of the haunted Hinsdale House, cast member of “The Ghost Finders” co-founder of The Greater Western New York Paranormal Society, lecturer, producer of his own documentary series “Behind the Shadows” and host to the VIDI space series “Within these Walls” plus a whole lot more! Please click on the link during the live broadcast to join the interactive chat room and ask questions too!


AMANDA WOOMER - Episode 12 - October 22nd 2020


Amanda Woomer, Author of “A Haunted Atlas of Western New York” and 4 other books, she is a historian, investigator and creator of the website“Spook -Eats ” where it’s all about food, travel and the supernatural!! Join us on the live chat room to ask questions during the show - and prepare to hear about some pretty amazing local hauntings!

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GREG HINAMAN - Episode 13 - October 29th 2020


Interview covers Halloween Talk, Haunt Conventions, Home Haunting, Terror Technologies and more.!


AUTHOR MASON WINFIELD - Episode 14 - November 5th 2020


Author and supernatural historian, Mason Winfield! Mason has written fourteen books that focus on supernatural folklore and tradition!

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